Horse Sales, Rentals and Leases

Horses are only available for sale, rent or lease to the right home or person that works well with the individual horse.  All horses are up to date on shots and routine health care, Including Coggins, West Nile, encephalytis, rhino/flu, deworming and farrier care.

Dakota is a 14.2 hand mustang with a great movement from behind.  He is an intermediate horse that enjoys swimming, trails and is brave.  He has been my trustworthy mount when riding with green/flighty horses.  He does like to be with his pack, but can be made to go otherwise.  Trailers, Ties, vets and everything else.  Wonderful playful personality and does well with strong willed children too.  I've used him to give intermediate lessons with and tends to be the favorite mount of many newbies.  His trot is rough right now, but softens with routine exercise.  He is the EASIEST keeper I've ever had. and goes english or western, just started over crossrails.

Asking $1500, or $150 mo full lease on site only.

SOLD- Congratulations to Megan and Diamond!
Quincys Red Instead (AQHA/FQHA)

"Diamond" is just the most beautiful horse.  Inside and out.  She is still young, 2004, so I am selling her as a green horse.  We have yet to find her negative side of work.  A very relaxed and slow mover.  Great for the Pleasure rider.  Could go western pleasure or english pleasure.  Low headset when riding.   She has been ridden in a western saddle with a snaffle bit.  She will be a perfect youth mount with some riding time.  She has never bucked, reared, or bolted.  Loves attention, and easy to load, deworm, crossties, stands for the farrier, and has no problems with needles. 
Sell for $2000.00 with some tack and supplies     leases (includes tack) start at $150 per month.

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